Jason Kraynek | 224.612.1584 | [email protected]

Short Film | Sketch

Zooppa | contest


Jason Kraynek – Director, Cinematographer, Camera Operator, Editor, Colorist, Writer, Producer
GĂ©raldine Dulex – Actor
Christopher Kauffmann – Actor
Sean Kunz – Actor
Jamie K. Burns – Actor


Canon 5d Mark II | Canon 24-70mm f2.8 L
LCD Panel
Cinevate Rig
Manfrotto Tripod
Sennheiser G3 wireless
Zoom H4n

AYI commercial series Dating 101 actors in a car at night shot and directed by Jason Kraynek

I found out about this contest late, and even later found out that we needed it due within the week. With those rules in place I got together with Sean Kunz (one of my leads from the 48 hour film “Ceremony“, a theater friend of mine Geraldine Dulex, Jamie Burns (a reco from my former improv partner Darryl Knapp of groups Beat the Dead Horse, Charming Hooligans, and Wizard Studios), and newcomer to me Christopher Kauffmann = A very talented cast of improv comics overall I found.

I workshopped ideas, storyboards, and concepts from Sunday to Tuesday. We setup the shootday for Wed afternoon/night, editing was all day Thursday, and sketches had to be done be Friday morning. 48 hours later we had 5 sketches shot and 4 sketches done. The only sketch I wasn’t able to edit and finish for the friday deadline was “Parking”.

Check out more from the client AYI (Are you Interested) including my videos on their facebook page and youtube channel.


We ended up winning for 4 of the 5 videos submitted to the contest with places in the early entry of 2nd and 3rd/finals 2nd and 7th. Total winnings came out to about $6500!

Jason KraynekAYI commercial series Dating 101 actors outside a apartment complex walkway shot and directed by Jason Kraynek
AYI commercial series Dating 101 actors talking loudly towards camera shot and directed by Jason Kraynek
Lolz -$1000 WINNER

Based on the idea of social media friends that overuse common terms, emoticons, and “Lol” speak. This was the first sketch of the night and the only one that we got in during the daylight hours.

AYI commercial series Dating 101 actors in a park at night shot and directed by Jason Kraynek
Movies in the Park -$500 WINNER

A simple idea based of a cheap date and the world of modern tech. This was the easiest idea I had and thought it would be the throwaway of the night but Sean and Jamie knocked it out of the park with performances and made it into one of my favorites.

AYI commercial series Dating 101 actors on a park bench at night shot and directed by Jason Kraynek
AYI commercial series Dating 101 actors sitting on a park bench at night shot and directed by Jason Kraynek
The Roommate – $250 WINNER

I originally came up with this one taking place on a couch within an apartment and the “roommate” character staring down from across the room. Though not being able to shoot within location a lot of my ideas switched to outdoors, this was the first of those. I think it plays better, if not creepier this way.

AYI commercial series Dating 101 actor looking into the camera in a stairwell shot and directed by Jason Kraynek
Online Date – $1000 WINNER

The fourth sketch of the night was based on an idea Sean had about a man meeting another man in drag, going through the whole night, and then finally finding out that it was in fact a man. Due to timing and not wanting to outright make a straight/gay sketch, I reworked the concept to be shot all within the moment of meeting in a stairwell. Replacing the man in drag for just a normal guy, both of which thought they were meeting a girl from online- both of them find out that not having a profile photo doesn’t always work out.

Again, kudos to my actors who hit this one out of the park- we worked through a few takes and ended up with a great tongue-in-cheek sketch.

AYI commercial series Dating 101 actors in a car parking lot at night shot and directed by Jason Kraynek
Parking – $4000 WINNER

This one was the last shot of the night, unknown to me that we were having mic issues (I’m not a sound guy but am forced to be at times, alas) but other than that it was another great example of Sean and Jamie improving together. There might be a longer director’s cut to come this one as there are a lot of story bits I had to cut for time.