Jason Kraynek | 224.612.1584 | [email protected]

Pares Ratliff | I Hate People

22 Dec 2017 | Categories: Camera Operator, Colorist, Comedy, Director, Director of Photography, Editor, Event, Film Studio, Producer, Production Company, Work | Posted by: jacenk

I Hate People | Stand up comedy special

JACENKNET | Vittum Theater

Cast | Crew

Jason Kraynek – Director, Director of Photography, Camera Operator, Editor, Colorist, Producer
Chris Sato – Camera Operator
Robert Felker – Camera Operator
Eric Williams – Sound Board
Pares Ratliff – Comedian
JACENKNET – Production Company


CAMERAS – RED Dragon, Canon C300m2
LENSES – Canon Zooms



stand up comedy performer onstage with microphone and hand raised

Pares Ratliff – “I Hate People” special was shot during one performance with 3 different cameras (RED Dragon and 2 Canon C300m2 packages) at the Vittum Theater in Chicago. We had a live audience and no prior knowledge of his act, so things were very on the fly as I had to direct and shoot at the same time. The post ended up taking a few months to get right and the final product is now available on Amazon.

For this project I brought on staples of my team: Robert Felker and Chris Sato, along with old AV friend Eric Williams to work the sound board. Robert and I worked with Pares on Dying Alone as well.

jason kraynek, chicago, cinematographer, JACENKNET, jacenk, RED Dragon, Canon c300 mark II, stand up comedy, Pares Ratliff, comedy, I Hate People
jason kraynek, chicago, cinematographer, JACENKNET, jacenk, RED Dragon, Canon c300 mark II, stand up comedy, Pares Ratliff, comedy, I Hate People
jason kraynek, chicago, cinematographer, JACENKNET, jacenk, RED Dragon, Canon c300 mark II, stand up comedy, Pares Ratliff, comedy, I Hate People
jason kraynek, chicago, cinematographer, JACENKNET, jacenk, RED Dragon, Canon c300 mark II, stand up comedy, Pares Ratliff, comedy, I Hate People