Tower Town | Short Film
Cast | Crew
JASON KRAYNEK – Director of Photography, Camera Operator, Gaffer, Editor, Colorist
DAVID COTTRELL – Director, Writer, Producer
RAY ARALDI – Production Sound
KYLE DELSO – Post Sound, Sound Designer, Titles
JACENKNET – Production Studio
Gear | Production
CAMERAS – RED Epic Dragon
LENSES – Canon CNE Prime set
LIGHTS – Hive, Litepanels, Blind Spot Gear
RIG – Shape, Wooden Camera, Easyrig, Flowcine, SmallHD, Teradek
FAZER – Antari Z

‘Tower Town’ is an unfinished novel that is being written and directed by David Cottrell. It takes place in the 1990s, following the story arc of Zack, a small-town, bisexual man in his early twenties, who moves to Chicago seeking the acceptance of a large nightlife and thriving clubbing scene. Along the way, he celebrates the familiar joys of friendship, romantic love, and fellowship from the gay community, while simultaneously confronting the heartache of drug addiction, the AIDS epidemic, and the loss of loved ones at too early of an age.
This scene of Zack visiting his best friend Scotty is based on the novel’s first chapter.
This one was an interesting production style, starting with the months it took to find just the right space to shoot it. We needed an open tub, an interesting space, and enough room to shove 2 actors, lights, audio, camera gear, and myself. Having only a day to light/shoot/tear down – it was a long day but it was productive.
David and Ray are friends from Brella Productions, a company we used to work for doing pharma documentaries. We have done film work outside of that company, but this was the first narrative project that we worked on that David wrote.