Jason Kraynek | 224.612.1584 | jacenk@gmail.com

McKinsey | Procurement Executive Forum

03 Nov 2023 | Categories: Camera Operator, Colorist, Director of Photography, Documentary, Event, Interviews, Production Company, Work | Posted by: jacenk

McKinsey & Company | Documentary Event

LEFF Communications | JACENKNET


Jason Kraynek – Director of Photography, Camera Operator, Colorist, Production Company
Robert Aguilar – Audio
Jessica Lynn – PA
Jen Thiele – Producer
McKinsey & Company – Client
LEFF Communications – Agency


CAMERAS – Canon c300 mark II
LENSES – Canon 24-105mm f/4.0L IS, Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS

McKinsey and Company’s 2023 Procurement Executive Forum hosted at the Royal Sonesta Hotel – Chicago Downtown. This year’s program is designed to appeal to cross-functional cost leaders (e.g., finance, category management, engineering & quality, information technology).

We’re crafting a content-rich agenda on topics you won’t want to miss, including how to gain and maintain a competitive cost advantage amidst uncertainty and volatility as well as dedicated sessions on talent strategy, sustainability, and digital & analytics.

This was a one-day documentary event shoot to capture b-roll, interviews, and stage conference speeches. The small crew I put together for this consisted of Jessica Lynn as PA and Robert Aguilar working audio.

Behind The Scenes
© JACENK.NET | Jason Kraynek | 224.612.1584 | jacenk@gmail.com | CHICAGO Back to top