Jason Kraynek | 224.612.1584 | jacenk@gmail.com

Exxon Mobil | Industrials

29 Jul 2018 | Categories: Camera Operator, Colorist, Director of Photography, Documentary, Gaffer, Industrials, Interviews, Work | Posted by: jacenk

jason kraynek, cinematographer, industrial

Industrial Exxon Mobil

Yokai Films Chicago, IL

Cast | Crew

JASON KRAYNEK – Director of Photography, Camera Operator, Gaffer
CHRIS SATO – Director, Producer

Gear | Production

CAMERAS – Canon c300m2
LENSES – Canon L series
LIGHTS – Litepanels, Blind Spot Gear, Quasar Science
RIG – Shape, Wooden Camera, Ikan, Manfrotto

jason kraynek, cinematographer, industrial

ExxonMobil Corporation is an American multinational oil and gas corporation and the largest direct descendant of John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil. 

This was an Industrial documentary shoot consisting of general b-roll and interviews for Exxon Mobil. We shot on location, both inside and outside, with mostly ambient light and reflectors. Handheld and gimbal rigs for movement as we followed around various workers and employees.

© JACENK.NET | Jason Kraynek | 224.612.1584 | jacenk@gmail.com | CHICAGO Back to top