Fashion photography
Ybor City Tampa, FL
JASON KRAYNEK – Photographer, Editor
Nikon D50
24-85mm lens

Fashion photoshoot “Retro Fight” was shot in the Ybor City alleys of Tampa Florida with Amber Osborne (aka Miss Destructo) and Wendi Hughes. 2008.
This was one (if not the first) return to Tampa after I moved in 2005. I flew down for 3 shoots: a wedding, Salon 54/Wicked Salon for my sudo sister Tara Griffith, and this one. AND I met the girl who I would start dating and move up with me to Chicago the following year, Raquel LeDuc.
It was a busy few days but we made it worth it.
Jason is a highly unique photographer with a strong creative focus and flexible to the needs of the client or model. Willing to take risks to deliver a great photo and very efficent with the post-production and final product.
Also extremely fun to work with and highly personable!
Chief Marketing Officer of Meshfire --Amber Osborne